
postheadericon Mentor Me! - Part 2

How to get it
If you want to be spiritually mentored, but there is no organic or programmed mentoring going on in your church, then here is what you should do:
  1. Keep your eyes open to notice who the wise, Godly women are in your congregation and pray for God’s lead.
  2. Ask for a one on one with one of these ladies that has caught your attention.  Tell her you’ve admired her life from afar and would like to spend an hour with her over lunch or coffee.  Tell her you have a few simple questions you’d like to ask her about life in general.
  3. Prepare 3 authentic questions that are on your heart.  These will probably reflect areas of your life where God is working on you.  After casual chit chat, ask your questions and then be a good listener.  Expect to walk away with at least one significant thing God taught you through her.
  4. Repeat this practice whenever you cross paths with a wise woman that sparks your interest. You may notice that you have a particular connection with one of these ladies.  Ask for a second appointment; bring more questions, and share more of your life situation.  If the connection continues to grow and you sense she is mutually blessed by the relationship, ask her to mentor you.

Sample Questions
  • Do you mind sharing with me about some of your mountains and valleys?
  • How do you keep your marriage fresh?
  • What has worked for you in the area of parenting?
  • What about your singleness have you enjoyed/did you enjoy?
  • What verses have been instrumental to you in times of discontentment?
  • Do you use any systems in your daily time with God?  Could you share them with me?


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