
postheadericon Will You Bring Your "A GAME"?

Reason #3 for writing to 30 something’s about thriving – We are the Future Leaders of Churches and Society.  Let’s expand:

Who are the 2 most influential women in your church? At what age did they come into this role? How many years till you hit that age? What about your community… How old are the women running the Chamber of Commerce or running for office? How old are the philanthropists making the biggest impact or the moms on the Site Based Council who interview the high school principal applicants? How many years till you hit that age? When you do…will you bring your “A Game”?

The answers about these ages definitely vary: my mom was interviewing the principal applicants at age 55, but I have a good friend who is the director of recruitment for the Chamber of Commerce and she’s my age! Most churches I’ve worshiped at are primarily influenced by women in their 40’s and 50’s, but they’ve been well established for years. I know several newer fellowships where the 30’s and 40’s are the leaders. Whatever your city, whatever your situation, you’re probably either at bat or on deck.

Now the point isn’t just to be an influencer, but to use your influence to advance God’s Kingdom. Human nature is to promote our personal preferences and rally for our own agenda. This is very dangerous, especially in the church context. That is why we need to prepare ourselves ahead of time. Being at an influential age doesn’t guarantee you’ll be a useful leader. You need wisdom, maturity, discernment, experience to be ready. Here’s what we can do:

  1. Walk with God Now – Without a steady flow of Living Water, we won’t be much good for anything.
  2. Be Faithful in your Roles – Child of God, Wife, Mom, Employee, Home Manager, Steward, Church Member. List them out and make sure your bases are covered. Then, when extra time and energy comes along, start reaching out.
  3. Seek Mentoring – Help the older generation obey Titus 2:4. If they aren’t initiating to you, you ask them!! You’ve got nothing to lose. I initiated to 5 older women in the past several years. Two ended up being extremely helpful mentors.
  4. Accept some Responsibilities –When time allows, take on a task, project, or position to serve. On the job training is the best way to learn. It would be ideal to have a mentor walk you through it, giving feedback and encouragement along the way.

It’s not ok to slide on through life and not give back. That is lazy and safe and not Biblical. We can’t drop the ball for the next generation. And don’t think you can’t be influential because you’re shy or not a skilled communicator. God goes “out of His way” in Scripture to show that influence isn’t tied to personality or status. Think about Abraham’s personality vs. David’s, or Peter’s vs. Thomas'.  Moses had a speech impediment. Think of Esther’s status vs. Mary Magdalene’s or Ruth’s vs. Lydia’s. Surely you know by now that the laws of spiritual leadership are upside down from the world’s. Believe it, my friend, so you can move forward and THRIVE!


Tina said...

Hey Codie,

I ma really enjoying your blogs. They are insightful and concise and helpful! Thanks x

Codie Leath said...

Thanks Tina! I'm glad you're finding them helpful...that's my goal :)

Amber said...

Can't wait to hear more about mentoring. I have been wanting to find a mentor, but not sure how to approach some of the women I think would be goo.

Rhena Lindsey said...

Codie, you are a very good blogger. Glad you throw out some good points for women--old or young. With two little ones to take care of and your husband, how do you have the time to do all of this?

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