
postheadericon Something From Nothing

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.  I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs…so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the LORD has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.”  Isaiah 41:18, 20

This is my new favorite passage because it reminds me of God’s fiat power.  He can make something from nothing.  He made all of creation from no raw material, just from nothing, and with only the power of His word.  Sometimes when I’m explaining this to my son I point my finger and say, “Let there be light” to show him how light came about and then I realize God didn’t even have to point his finger.  His words were enough.  

In this Isaiah passage, God is promising provision for Israel.  He could have said he’d show them where to find the water as they went on their journey.  But dramatically He declares he will turn dry land into flowing rivers.  Verse 20 explains why.  The main point of the provision, and of everything else God does then and now, is so that all people would understand that He did it.  All glory to the Lord.  

Ok, for daily application…where do you need God’s fiat power?  Where is the desert in your life that needs to be turned into a pool?  What is dead in your world that needs to be brought to life?  A spiritually lost friend? Your lost soul? A relationship?  Your marriage?  Your hope in the future?  A vision for how God can use you? A battle with a specific sin?  Acknowledge His complete effortless ability to bring it to life.  Beg Him to exercise His power and pledge your cooperation!  We know from all over the Bible that God is eager to help us.  James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  So the ball is in your court.

When the victory comes and God breathes life into the situation, remember verse 20 and help those around you to see, know, consider, and understand that God’s hand did it!

Ok, now for an old favorite.  2 Cor. 5:20 – “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf:  Be reconciled to God.”  As God is performing miracles all over the world using His fiat power, He’s allowing us to be the conduits or ambassadors of this power.  Can you believe this?  This is the most significant job we could ever have!  So, while He’s getting all the glory, we’re getting to be His hands and feet.  For anyone who loves to feel important and productive, this is a transforming truth!

Here is part of my record of God’s fiat power in my life:  As a child, God used my parents’ conversion to open my eyes to the truth of Christ.  In college, he used Jennie Patton, the lady who discipled me, to breathe life into my limping walk with Christ. He used my brother Bo, my future husband Brad, Christy, Missi, Janet, Ryan, Mason, Tim, Corey, Joel, Mike, David, Lisa, Chris, Jennie, and many other college students to fan into flame a vision for how God could use me in this life to advance His Kingdom.  As a wife, God used Brent, Joanne, Dana, Janet and Corey to bring life to dying areas of my marriage.  In the area of friendships, God used my husband’s advice and example to rescue several terminal friendships.  

Do you see?  God’s fiat power in my life almost always takes the form of a person’s tangible help.  And I’m sure it’s the same with you if you were to stop and take a look.  We are His conduits.  So go deliver God’s fiat power as a friend, spouse, evangelist, discipler, mentor, counselor, whatever!  And all glory to Him.